Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Peace in Your world for 2018

How to stop battling symptoms and get the co operation you want from your body

At 80 years old, and never having flown before, my Grandma emigrated from Swansea to Canada to live with my aunt and uncle in Ottawa.

She sent me this Christmas card after celebrating her 100th birthday.

Peace on Earth sounds a great idea. 

Unless we are waiting for other people to behave themselves (or other people's world leaders for that matter.)

We could be waiting a long time!

So how about bringing Peace as close to home as possible. Peace within ourselves.

Peace is the harmonisation of apparent conflict. And the key to finding Peace is to change from seeing the problem or enemy as separate from us and on an opposing side. To consider that it's possible to find a mutually beneficial resolution.

So how might we be opposing ourselves?

Try this. Think of a symptom you have - whether it's painful or just annoying, chronically constant or occasionally irritating.

Instead of bracing yourself for fighting a battle against illness or disease, imagine for a moment that there is an internal communication from an aspect of ourselves. And that aspect is simply tying to get our attention because we've been neglecting or mistreating it.

What could this symptom be pointing to? 

Is the body overtaxed? (A plug for Dry January here!)
Is there a need that's being ignored? (Anything from trace minerals to more daylight)
Or a natural function being over ridden? (Classically eating on the hoof instead of sitting relaxed, or not allowing for the natural ebb and flow of energy during the female hormonal cycle)

Does an opportunity to take better care of ourselves come to mind?

Consider that there is the possibility of a Win-Win solution. One in which you feel more well overall and not just suppress the symptoms and suffer side effects later.

Holistic treatments help us reconnect within ourselves, to understand our symptoms as 'messages', and to learn what we need to change in order to feel more physically, emotionally or mentally at peace.

For help with more inner peace and welbeing in 2018 you can call me on 07518 587434. I am making my clinic hours more variable with appointments available Monday through Saturday.

Wishing you a very Happy New Year, and
Wishing you well,
07518 587434