Friday, 29 September 2017

Decode your Symptoms - How to understand the body language of your internal Complaints Department

proverbial area of choice?

Louise Hay (author of You can Heal Your Life) discovered hers were a 'body language' communication - a physical expression of a self-critical thought or emotion. She mapped how various negative thoughts expressed themselves in different illnesses and areas of the body.

For example the spine is to do with support. So she interpreted back pain as an opportunity for a person to look at in what way they might feel unsupported.

She developed a procedure of clearing unhelpful thoughts and feelings, then replacing them with positive ideas - affirmations.

Now I'm not saying that if your foot is run over by a truck you should sit and meditate on your bad karma instead of going to A&E!

But what if we tried to understand what could have contributed to a symptom arising? What if we asked, as F. M. Alexander pondered 'Could it be something I am doing to myself that is the cause of my problem?"

Then, if there is anything to learn, change or improve, we have the opportunity to do that.

The 'squeaky wheel' might seem like only it is shouting for the grease, but this call for help is not confined to just the area that feels the pain, discomfort or dysfunction.

Shiatsu teacher Diego Sanchez asks the question 'What is the symptom giving a solution to?'

He might ask a person who is finding it difficult to lose weight, for example, to consider whether perhaps they need to be a certain size to feel they have a large enough presence?

This 'no blame' attitude implies everything is actually working together, to the best of our ability, even in apparent dysfunction. 

We are not made up of inter-changeable parts, like a car. We are an interconnected ecosystem.

Fighting, conquering, beating and eliminating the symptoms of an illness or condition is an attitude of conflict. Opposition to something which has - slowly or suddenly, temporarily or long-term - become part of us and our experience of life.

And we all know how effective civil wars are at creating  a peaceful country!

If you would like help understanding your 'body language' and discovering what might improve your wellness just give me a call.

Wishing you well,
07518 587434

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